Minimum supported versions

Please run the following command to check the minimum supported versions and the latest published versions:

polyaxon version --check

Migration from v1.x to v2.y

Migrating the CLI/Client

Please make sure to uninstall the previous version of the CLI/Client before installing the new version.

pip uninstall -y polyaxon polyaxon-sdk

Then proceed with the upgrade to Polyaxon v2:

pip install -U polyaxon

In Polyaxon v2 most imports are exposed on client, if you have an issue with an import, for example:

from polyaxon.module.submodule import Class or function

Please update your imports to:

from polyaxon.client import Class or function

In addition to client schema/model classes can be imported from polyaxon.schemas, for example:

from polyaxon.schemas import SomeSchemaClass
# Or
from polyaxon.client import SomeSchemaClass

All K8s related schemas are exposed under k8s

from polyaxon.k8s import V1Container

Migrating the platform/agent

Before migrating to Polyaxon v2, please make sure to remove previous deployments and clean up all resources, this will result in a temporary downtime.

kubectl delete deployments -n [NAMESPACE] -l ',,'

Then proceed with the upgrade to Polyaxon v2:

Polyaxon CE

This upgrade comes with an automatic migration that might take some time to execute.

If you have configured the api section in your deployment config file, please note that in the v2 release gateway and api were merged into a single pod gateway.

Please check the Polyaxon platform upgrade section

Polyaxon Agent

If you have configured the streams section in your deployment config file, please note that in the v2 release gateway and streams were merged into a single pod gateway.

Please check the Polyaxon Agent upgrade section

Migration from v1.x to v1.y

Polyaxon CE

You can migrate from any Polyaxon v1.x to any v1.y for any y >= x, there are no breaking changes, and all migrations (if there are any between the versions) are automatic.

Polyaxon Agent

You can migrate from any Polyaxon v1.x to any v1.y for any y and x. We recommend however to use at least the minimum supported version to benefit from security fixes, and the latest version to benefit from all new enhancements.

Migration from v0.x to v1.y

Important: Polyaxon v1 is not backward compatible with Polyaxon v0, this guide is for the community edition’s users.


The Polyaxonfile specification has several changes:

  • Support standard Kubernetes container and pod sections: all custom cmd, resources, and node selectors are now using standard Kubernetes definitions.
  • Camel case vs Snake case: the full specification is now camel case to make it easier for people to use snippets from guides and resources in the Kubernetes world and use them in Polyaxon.
  • Two main primitives: Component and Operation, the runtime defines how an operation is compiled and executed:
    • Single job abstraction for managing jobs, builds, and experiments.
    • Single service abstraction for managing: notebooks, Tensorboards, VSCode, Streamlit, Voila, …

Apis, Clients, & CLI

We removed all specific APIs and commands for: experiments, jobs, builds, notebooks, tensorboards, and consolidated all logic under the /api/v1/{owner}/{project}/runs endpoints and polyaxon ops commands group.

The CLI and Client have also a single function for starting jobs, services, experiments, and dags:

  • polyaxon run ...
  • client.create_ ...

Customizable plugins

Issues related to Tensorboard and Notebook can be solved by users themselves without waiting for new releases. Polyaxon provides several public components, but users can customize them at any point.

It’s still possible to start Tensorboard and Notebook in a simple way, e.g.:

  • polyaxon run --hub tensorboard:version

Helm & deployment

  • The built-in docker registry is removed: users can still deploy an in-cluster registry for managing docker images, but the behavior is now standardized across all registry providers.
  • Celery Scheduler is disabled by default: which means no dependency on Redis or Rabbitmq unless the scheduler is enabled, and only one dependency is required.
  • Git is managed through external providers by default: no volume for managing repos is required anymore.
  • Logs and outputs are managed through a single artifacts store: One artifacts store connection to manage logs, events, and outputs.


All integrations with external systems are managed using the Connection abstraction.

Connections are how Polyaxon connects users’ workload with artifacts stores, data stores, notification providers, git providers, registry providers, ssh connections, database connections, …

Connections have a simple and generic schema for managing secrets and config maps.

  • You can expose S3/GCS/Azure using the standard way that is used in other systems or using the default CLIs, Polyaxon does not require any special changes.
  • Integration with docker/container registries follows standard definitions for mounting secrets and config maps: any tutorial found on the internet for mounting some specific registry should work on Polyaxon.
  • Polyaxon also integrates with several other connections, and users can define custom behavior for consuming connections since they are just mounting secrets and config-maps.

Auth and User management

Polyaxon CE is now very easy to deploy, and does not provide an auth system:

  • Users in Polyaxon CE can access all projects, submit jobs, and view shared results under a single organization.
  • Polyaxon CE users can achieve namespacing using Projects or using multiple Polyaxon CE deployments.