This is a set of guides to assist you through the process of deploying, managing, and scaling a Polyaxon Deployment with common strategies and best practices.
There are different types of deployment strategies you can take advantage of depending on your goal, expected workload, number of team members, regulations, …
- You may deploy Polyaxon to just give it a try, without caring about spending time with configuring artifacts stores, git providers, …
- You may want to scale your operations over several nodes.
- You may want to scale your operations over several clusters or cloud providers.
- You may want to establish some processes to separate dev/staging/production environments either on different namespaces or on different clusters.
- You may want to isolate projects, datasets access, models, and other artifacts either on different namespaces or on different clusters.
- You may want to authorize users and teams with different access rights to different namespaces or to different clusters.
Polyaxon provides a set of customizable and flexible deployment strategies, that can fit different use cases and requirements.
In this section, we will try to go over:
- Some strategies of deploying Polyaxon and possibly answer frequently asked questions about how to manage and scale Polyaxon.
- Best practices for a production-ready deployment.