You can use the Elastic Stack to centralize your logging with Polyaxon.


You can set up EFK (elasticsearch, fluentd/fluentbit, kibana) as a stack to gather logs from Polyaxon core components or experiment and job runs.

If you are running Polyaxon in the cloud, then you can consider a managed service from your cloud provider.

Setup Helm

You need Helm to deploy Polyaxon as well as Elastic stack.

Install ElasticSearch

helm install elasticsearch elasticsearch --version 7.1.1 --namespace=logging  -f elastic-config.yaml --repo

You can read more about how to customize your ElasticSearch instance and provide elastic-config.yaml to override the default values.

Install Fluentd

helm install fluentd fluentd --namespace=logging -f fluentd-config.yaml --repo

You can read more about how to customize your Fluentd instance and provide fluentd-config.yaml to override the default values.

For instance if you want to log all pods managed by Polyaxon (core and runs), you might want to add:

# Filter to only records with label
<filter kubernetes.**>
@type grep
key $["kubernetes"]["labels"][""]
pattern polyaxon

If you want to only monitor the core components:

# Filter to only records with label type=polyaxon-core
<filter kubernetes.**>
@type grep
key $["kubernetes"]["labels"]["type"]
pattern polyaxon-core

This filter should be added to your fluentd-config.yaml under extraConfigMaps, e.g:

  host: 'elasticsearch-master'

    containersInputConf: false
    systemInputConf: false

  containers.input.conf: |-
    <match fluent.**>
    # Ignore fluentd' log
    @type null
    # Docker's containers logs
    @type tail
    path /var/log/containers/*.log
    pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos
    tag kubernetes.*
    read_from_head true
    @type json
    time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
    # Kubernetes metadata
    <filter kubernetes.**>
    @type kubernetes_metadata
    <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**kube-system**.log>
    @type null
    # Exceptions in logs
    <match raw.kubernetes.**>
    @id raw.kubernetes
    @type detect_exceptions
    remove_tag_prefix raw
    message log
    stream stream
    multiline_flush_interval 5
    max_bytes 50000
    max_lines 1000
    # Exclude kube-system
    <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**kube-system**.log>
    @type null
    # Filter to only records with label
    <filter kubernetes.**>
    @type grep
    key $["kubernetes"]["labels"][""]
    pattern polyaxon
    # Filter to only records with label
    <filter kubernetes.**>
    @type grep
    key $["kubernetes"]["labels"]["type"]
    pattern polyaxon-core

Install Kibana

helm install kibana --version 7.1.1 --name=kibana --namespace=logging -f kibana-config.yaml  --repo

You can read more about how to customize your ElasticSearch instance and provide kibana-config.yaml to override the default values.

Check the logs on the Kibana UI

You can inspect the logs on the Kibana UI, by port-forwarding for example.

  1. When Kibana appears click Explore on my own. From the top-left or from the Visualize and Explore Data panel select the Discover item. In the form field Index pattern enter logstash-* It should read “Success!” and Click the > Next step button.

  2. In the next form select timestamp from the dropdown labeled Time Filter field name.

  3. From the bottom-right of the form select Create index pattern. In a moment a list of fields will appear.

  4. From the top-left of the home screen’s Visualize and Explore Data panel, select the Discover item. The logs list will appear.


Polyaxon will persist by default all runs’ logs to a persistent volume or a cloud bucket provided by the user. Please check the Logs storage configuration for more details.