Polyaxon EE comes with an opt-in Sentry integration and provides a key for all customers to report crashes and fix issues very fast.

This integration is disabled by default, and it’s not required for the system to function correctly.

If you wish to use your own Sentry key and not use Polyaxon’s key, you can integrate your deployment of Polyaxon Control Plane and Polyaxon Agents with Sentry, to get actionable errors and crashes information without leaking any sensitive information, and you can report the issue or open a support ticket.

Enable Default

The integration is disabled by default, to use the enable the integration:

    default: true
    backend: sentry

To use your own key, start by creating a Sentry account

Sentry makes it easy to set up one or more keys.

Add your Key to your Polyaxon Control Plane deployment

    enabled: true
    backend: sentry
    options: {platform_dsn: key, cli_dsn: key}