Polyaxon allows to schedule distributed job via the spark-on-k8s-operator natively.

Deploy the SparkJob operator

Before you can use the sparkjob runtime, you need to make sure that SparkJob operator and the CRD (custom resource definition) are deployed in your cluster.

Enable the operator

To be able to schedule distributed jobs with the SparkJob operator, you need to enable the operator in your deployment config.

You need to enable the operator in Polyaxon CE deployment or Polyaxon Agent deployment:

  sparkjob: true

Create a component with the sparkjob runtime

Once you have the SparkJob operator running on a Kubernetes namespace managed by Polyaxon, you can check the specification for creating components with the sparkjob runtime:

version: 1.1
kind: component
  kind: sparkjob

For more details about the specification for creating sparkjob runtime, please check please check this section.

Run the distributed job

Running components with the sparkjob runtime is similar to running any other component:

polyaxon run -f manifest.yaml -P ...

View a running operation on the dashboard

After running an operation with this component, you can view it on the Dashboard:

polyaxon ops dashboard


polyaxon ops dashboard -p [project-name] -uid [run-uuid] -y

Stop a running operation

To stop a running operation with this component:

polyaxon ops stop


polyaxon ops stop -p [project-name] -uid [run-uuid]

Run the job using the Python client

To run this component using Polyaxon Client:

from polyaxon.client import RunClient

client = RunClient(...)
client.create_from_polyaxonfile(polyaxonfile="path/to/file", ...)