If you upload large files or pulling large models and you are using GKE ingress, you may experience timeouts.


Running a pull command on a large model:

polyaxon models pull -ver ${MODEL_VERSION} --project ${POLYAXON_MODEL_REPOSITORY} --path .

Might result in the following error:

#12 37.58 Writing contents: ━━━╸      0.5/1.2   17.7 MB/s  44% eta 0:00:39 elapsed 0:00:30
#12 37.58                             GB
#12 37.59 Error: Error connecting to Polyaxon server on `https://HOST/streams/v1/polyaxon/ORG/PROJECT/runs/ggfgg4335716440d858f6499edc4139f/artifacts`.
#12 37.59 An Error `("Connection broken: InvalidChunkLength(got length b'', 0 bytes read)", InvalidChunkLength(got length b'', 0 bytes read))` occurred.
#12 37.59 Check your host and ports configuration and your internet connection.

Update timeout

On your google cloud console, go to Network services > Load balancing > Backend services > polyaxon-ingress-backend-service > Edit Backend:


and update the default timeout value from 30s to 600s.