
Polyaxon Component Hub is a product for managing versioned and reusable components, each component:

  • Can have multiple versions.
  • Can be published publicly or privately within your organization.
  • Can define team level permissions.


Component is the entity in Polyaxon that defines a runtime, it allows to package a containerize workload or a whole workflow, and makes it repeatable, portable, and sharable.

Polyaxon Component Hub gives you the extra utilities and features to manage access, security, and versioning, it also allows running the component versions using --hub or hubRef:.

Understanding the component hub

Each project in Polyaxon UI can register component versions. Alternatively a project can be created with the sole purpose to list versions of a the same component, e.g. tensorboard.

By declaring a project as a component hub, it can have multiple versions, similar to docker images, to avoid breaking old experiments and workflows.

Each component can list all versions, their stage, their specification, and their usage.

Polyaxon provides a special tag to signal the stage of your components’ versions. By default, if a user runs a component without specifying the version, the Component Hub uses latest if it exists otherwise it will raise a 404 error.

Managing and using components

You can create and manage components and versions using the API, CLI or the dashboard.

Each component version uses a definition which is the same specification that is used for running inline components. By using :tag, you can add new versions to a component, Polyaxon uses the owner/project-name as a namespace for the component, and will default to latest tag if no :version is provided.

Please note that When an owner is not specified, the public components managed by Polyaxon will be used, for example notebook:tensorflow.


As soon as a component is registered in your organization’s hub, you can use it in your operations.

Using the cli:

polyaxon run --hub=org/mycomponent:v1.1 -P param1=value1 ...

Using the operation specification:

version: 1.1
kind: operation
hubRef: org/mycomponent:v1.1

Using the client:

from polyaxon.client import RunClient

RunClient().create_from_hub(component="org/mycomponent:v1.1", name="execution5", params={...}, ...)