Polyaxon allows to authenticate the CLI and Client using:

  • username (or email) / password
  • Using one of the tokens specific to a user
  • Using one of the tokens specific to a service account

Using username / password

In order to login using username (or email) / password, you need to have a valid password setup:

polyaxon login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD


polyaxon login -u USERNAME

 > Please enter your password:

Using a user token

To login using one of your tokens, please go to your profile page (https://HOST:PORT/ui/profile/token) and select a token or create a new one.

polyaxon login -t TOKEN

Using a service account token

To login using a service account token, you need to be an organization owner or manager. Please go to your organization settings page under service account (https://HOST:PORT//ui/orgs/ORGANIZATION/settings/sa), select a service account or create a new one, and then select a token or create a new one.

polyaxon login -t TOKEN