Polyaxon CLI

Polyaxon v1.14 introduces several new features and enhancements to the command line interface:

  • GA of the upload feature
  • Enhanced CLI configurations
  • Default owner and project configuration
  • New CLI commands for component hubs and model registries

This blog post goes into the details of these changes.

Deployment and setup

Polyaxon distributes its Docker containers via Dockerhub, https://hub.docker.com/u/polyaxon/polyaxon. It’s been interesting to see the number of downloads grow since the first release with less than a thousand downloads. Now, most of Polyaxon’s docker images have millions of pulls each.

With the new throttling limitations set by Docker, several users started noticing issues with the sidecar and the init containers.

Although our Helm charts expose configuration to set the pull policy and the image pull secrets for the docker containers, in this new version we made IfNotPresent the default pull policy for all Polyaxon’s related containers, this will make starting jobs faster and should reduce the incidence of the ImagePullError.


UI for Component Hub and Model registry

We opened access to the Component Hub and Model Registry to all organizations following their quota (you can check the feature usage under billing for more information about your quotas, usage, and enabled features).

This blog post introduces the new Component Hub feature, and this blog post introduces the new Model registry feature.

Several UI improvements and fixes

In a series of feedback sessions with Cloud users, we gathered feedback about breaking UI elements on some browsers, in this new version we fixed almost all issues reported, the UI is faster, cleaner, smoother, more consistent, and has more utilities for searching, filtering, and sorting all entities.

If you are running an old version of Polyaxon v1, this alone should make you think about upgrading.

Upcoming features


One of the major themes of the next release will be about debugging capabilities.

At the moment, polyaxon provides several features for looking and debugging operations:

  • Logs: Users can check the logs of each container running in their operations, including Polyaxon auxiliaries
polyaxon ops logs [--all]


  • Statuses: Users can have an aggregated view about the state of their operation, with details about each state when they click on a status
polyaxon ops statuses [--watch]


In some situations having access to the k8s cluster is necessary to debug further. Some companies do not want to distribute k8s config to their users and want to manage access with Polyaxon alone.

In the future, Polyaxon will be providing more features to help with these use cases:

  • Statuses: CLI and UI will have a new feature inspect, this feature will allow users to inspect an operation with warnings or failing status and have a global view about the containers and their states and what failing.
  • Shell: CLI will have a new command polyaxon ops shell which will allow running commands or scripts directly on the users’ main container, together with termination.ttl, this should allow users to investigate their containers without having access to k8s. polyaxon ops shell --attach should be a further iteration after the first version is completed.

Offline mode

The offline mode is something we were trying to make for a very long time, it should essentially allow users to debug their code on a local machine while also executing all Polyaxon related code without triggering any network API calls. The offline mode should allow users to understand how Polyaxon provides tracking and logging features, and how to optimize their code to use this interface. Providing an offline mode should also allow users to build extensions and features around the tracking and lineage APIs more efficiently.

Previous items

We also still have items from the previous monthly update:

  • Control plane connections management.
  • More lineage information.
  • Adding the schedule_at information to the compiler’s context.
  • Add graph visualization for DAG and Matrix runs.

Please see roadmap features announced in v1.3 for more details about these items.

Learn More about Polyaxon

This blog post just goes over a couple of features that we shipped since our last product update, there are several other features and fixes that are worth checking. To learn more about all the features, fixes, and enhancements, please visit the release notes.

Polyaxon continues to grow quickly and keeps improving and providing the simplest machine learning abstraction. We hope that these updates will improve your workflows and increase your productivity, and again, thank you for your continued feedback and support.