Polyaxon's new MLOps sandbox feature

Polyaxon v1.18: Improved run control

Polyaxon v1.18: New comparison features

Polyaxon v1.18: New Tensorboard component and initializer

Polyaxon v1.18: Improve CLI with rich interface

Polyaxon v1.18: Support for annotations and env vars in connections schema

Polyaxon v1.18: Improved query language

Polyaxon v1.18: Admin command to force clean operations

Polyaxon v1.17: Pulling & Pushing runs

Polyaxon v1.16: Inspecting chart data

Polyaxon v1.16: Transferring runs, models, components, & artifacts

Polyaxon v1.16: Progress tracking

Polyaxon v1.16: CLI Operation shell & inspection

Polyaxon v1.16: Automatic CSV/TSV/Dataframes/... rendering

Polyaxon v1.15: Global Search & Recently Viewed

Polyaxon v1.14: Component Latest Runs

Polyaxon v1.13: Service Accounts

Polyaxon v1.13: Billing & Read Only Seats

Polyaxon v1.13: Experiments Table Heatmap

Polyaxon v1.13: Queues saturation

Polyaxon v1.13: Integration with HuggingFace

Polyaxon v1.13: Easy hyperparameter tuning from CLI

Polyaxon v1.12: Runs comparison, Diff mode, Filtering for/out values in the runs table, Tags management, Backfill, and many more

Polyaxon v1.12: Models and Artifacts initializers

Polyaxon v1.12: Date and Datetime Hyperparam Generators & Backfills

Polyaxon v1.12: Inputs/Outpts/Param to Env Vars

Polyaxon v1.12: Transfer Runs

Polyaxon v1.12: Tags Management

Polyaxon v1.12: Table - Visualization Resizing

Polyaxon v1.12: Filter for/out values

Polyaxon v1.12: Runs compare table

Polyaxon v1.11: Improved rendering and faster events loading, new plotting and charts capabilities, improved resizing and caching

Polyaxon v1.11: New Logging Interface

Polyaxon v1.11: UI Operation Inspection and Container Shell

Polyaxon v1.11: New dashboards capabilities

Polyaxon v1.10: New filtering capabilities, Improved CSV download, multi-section and multi-layout dashboards

Polyaxon v1.10: Queues Quotas

Polyaxon v1.10: New filtering capabilities

Polyaxon v1.10: Multi-section and multi-layout dashboards

Polyaxon v1.9: Serving models in-cluster guides, UI managed connections, Improved Tensorboard services, Improved upload command

Polyaxon v1.9: UI managed connections

Polyaxon v1.9: Pending logic

Polyaxon v1.9: Improved run and project overview pages

Polyaxon v1.9: Converting params to cli args

Polyaxon v1.8: Graph View, New Rendering Capabilities, Customizable Notifiers & Tuners, UI actions

Polyaxon v1.8: Tensorboard and custom actions from the UI

Polyaxon v1.8: New Rendering Capabilities

Polyaxon v1.8: Graph View

Polyaxon v1.8: Customizable Notifiers & Tuners

Polyaxon v1.7: Improved Assets Tracking, New Callbacks, Better Documentation with Examples, CSV Download, Better UI for Polyaxon Manifests, Improved Legends, Hover, and Tooltips for Plots, & Compatibility with Kubernetes 1.19

Polyaxon v1.7: Improved Assets Tracking, New Callbacks, Better Documentation with Examples

Polyaxon v1.7: CSV Download

Polyaxon v1.6: Offline Mode for ML Tracking, Timeline, File Initializer, & Operator Concurrent Reconciles

Polyaxon v1.6: Timeline View

Polyaxon v1.6: Offline Mode for ML Tracking, Timeline, File Initializer, & Operator Concurrent Reconciles

Polyaxon v1.6: Manual ML runs managements

Polyaxon v1.6: File Initializer

Polyaxon v1.5: Events, hooks, & Joins

Polyaxon v1.5: Compiler Improvements

Polyaxon v1.5: Inroducing Hooks

Polyaxon v1.5: Inroducing Joins

Polyaxon v1.5: Inroducing Events

Polyaxon v1.4: Upload, Component Hub, & Model Registry

Polyaxon v1.4: Upload, Component Hub, & Model Registry

Polyaxon v1.4: Upload, Component Hub, & Model Registry

Polyaxon v1.4: CLI Upload, CLI Configurations, default owner/project, CLI for Component Hub & Model Registry

Polyaxon v1.3: Improved hyperparameter tuning, Lineage, & UX

Polyaxon v1.3: New search and visualization interface

Polyaxon v1.3: Improved Run info and metadata

Polyaxon v1.3: Improved cache performance and cache hit detection

Polyaxon v1.3: Improved hyperparameter tuning

Polyaxon v1.1.8: Eager mode, CSV Results, & improved UI

Reproducible & Portable Machine Learning packages

Streamlining the machine Learning lifecycle

Polyaxon v0.5

Polyaxon v0.4.3: stable — Improved dashboard, setup, and documentation

Polyaxon v0.4.2: Kubeflow, Horovod, and MPI integrations

Polyaxon v0.4: Integrations, Machine Learning CI, Better support of external repos, Better support of cloud storages...

Polyaxon 0.2.7: experiments comparison & model analysis

Polyaxon 0.2.3: Experiment stability, better tracking, better visualization

Polyaxon v0.2

Mounting multiple data and outputs volumes

Advanced scheduling of experiments and jobs on Polyaxon

Saving, resuming, and restarting experiments with Polyaxon

Hyperparameters tuning on Kubernetes

Distributed Deep Learning on Kubernetes

Jupyter notebooks and tensorboards on Polyaxon