Improved Tracking

Polyaxon v1.7 release introduced several new improvements to the tracking interface:

  • Improved assets tracking
  • New ML/DL Callbacks
  • Improved tracking documentation with examples

For more details, please check this blog post.

Download as CSV in CLI and UI

This release also allows to download results as a CSV file using the UI and CLI. you can check this blog post for more details.

Better UI for Polyaxon Manifests

If you have large Polyaxonfiles, with several inputs, outputs, initializers, … you can easily fold sections in the UI:


Improved Legends, Hover, and Tooltips for Plots

The charts have several new capabilities to improve hovering effect and legend in mosaic mode:


And tooltips in scatter plots show more context:


We also fixed some minor issues in the charts when the dark theme is enabled.

Compatibility with Kubernetes 1.19

The operator now supports Kubernetes 1.19, this change has no backward-incompatible impact on the current deployments. For clusters with Kubernetes versions <1.15, we recommend enabling the previous behavior:

  useCRDV1Beta1: true

Several CLI Improvements

Several users already creates an alias plx for Polyaxon CLI. The CLI now ships by default with both entry-points polyaxon and plx.

polyaxon --help


plx --help

The CLI has also some new improvements for parsing and validating string types for Polyaxonfiles and passed params.

And finally, We fixed the logs streaming duplication issue when operations are in the running phase.

Future work

There are a some PRs that did not make it to this release, that will be part of v1.8:

  • Graph view for DAG and Matrix operations, this will come as an additional view to the timeline that was released in v1.6.
  • Re-enabling table/csv widgets in the dashboards tab.
  • Several improvements to the charts and graphs widgets.
  • Faster comparison tables using virtualization.

Currently the Agent/Queue service provides features to:

  • route operations to clusters and namespaces
  • manage concurrency and parallelism
  • prioritize operations

We started prototyping a new feature in the Agent/Queue manager to throttle operations based on resources (CPU/GPU/Memory/…) that will work natively with distributed operations as well. This mechanism will be an additional process to help optimize your queues and maximize your cluster usage.

Learn More about Polyaxon

This blog post just goes over a couple of features that we shipped since our last product update, there are several other features and fixes that are worth checking. To learn more about all the features, fixes, and enhancements, please visit the release notes.

Polyaxon continues to grow quickly and keeps improving and providing the simplest machine learning abstraction. We hope that these updates will improve your workflows and increase your productivity, and again, thank you for your continued feedback and support.