
Our CLI is an important library and is part of the ecosystem of tools we provide to interact with our platform. In this release we worked on an effort to improve the visual and interactive experience of our CLI.

New spinners, progress bars, and interactive behavior

By deploying Polyaxon CE or Polyaxon Agent v1.18 and installing Polyaxon CLI v1.18, users will notice that starting an operation with an upload is much more interactive and more informative:


Additionally, any time consuming interaction will trigger a spinner.

Some commands like watching the statuses was also improved to print the table and continuously update it with new information.

Better rendering of info pages

Polyaxon CLI can now render the polyaxonfile content as proper yaml, the readme content as markdown, and other information about ops, artifacts, models, and components, for example:

polyaxon components get -p polyaxon/tensorboard -ver v2



Learn More about Polyaxon

This blog post just goes over a couple of features that we shipped in v1.18. To learn more about all the features, fixes, and enhancements, please visit the release notes and the short term roadmap.

Polyaxon continues to grow quickly and keeps improving and providing the simplest machine learning abstraction. We hope that these updates will improve your workflows and increase your productivity, and again, thank you for your continued feedback and support.