
Components are by default triggered one time when a user creates an operation, or as many times as the users trigger new operations. Polyaxon monitors all operations and all DAGs, and triggers ops whose dependencies have been met.

To be able to trigger components repeatedly, the operation must define a schedule. Polyaxon provides several scheduling interfaces to automate the process of creating runs.


When running operations on schedule, Polyaxon will automatically check if an operation has changed and will trigger a cache hit if no changes were detected. If you intend to run the same operation (same manifest and same inputs/outputs/params) without changes, we suggest that you disable the cache:

version: 1.1
kind: operation
  kind: ...
  disable: true

Alternatively, to keep using the cache while triggering a schedule tick, you can use the schedule_at variable and pass it as a param, if your component is expecting it as an input or as context only param if it’s not expected:

version: 1.1
kind: operation
  kind: ...
    value: '{{ globals.schedule_at }}'
    contextOnly: true

By providing the schedule_at variable, you can leverage the cache mechanism and trigger a unique operation based on the manifest configuration.