This feature is still in Beta!


Polyaxon users can use their projects to promote and lock their runs to model versions, such projects provide:

  • APIs and a UI.
  • It can be used with your teams’ configuration and access control settings to enable collaborative model management.
  • Logging and lineage using the experimentation feature.
  • Versioning.
  • Deploying as an internal tool or as a test API using the service abstraction.
  • Agnostic to the model packaging format.
  • Integrations with your favorite serving technologies.


Understanding the model registry

Each project (model) can have multiple model versions.

Each project (model) can list all model versions, their stage, their model artifacts used, their specification, and their metrics and current usage.

Polyaxon provides a special tag to signal the stage of the models’ versions.

Managing and using model versions

You can create and manage models and versions using the API, CLI or the dashboard.

Each model version can lock a run based on its id, and it can attach additional metadata. By using :tag, you can add new versions to a project, Polyaxon uses the owner/project-name as a namespace.


As soon as a model is registered in your organization’s registry, you can use API/SDK to query information about your model and use that information to deploy specific versions.

At the moment the model registry is accessible to all organization for locking experiment runs, and for organizing candidate models and their lifecycle.

Some customers have access to the monitoring and the post-deployment events API, which should be opened to everyone as soon as the events interface is finalized.