Integrate your Azure Container Registry ACR with Polyaxon to start your machine learning and deep learning experiments on Kubernetes.
You can easily add many private registries to Polyaxon. In order to push private docker images to ACR, you need to set access credentials.
Create a service principal and ArcPush
To use Azure Container Registry (ACR), you will need to provide proper credentials. You can do so by creating a Service Principal that has the AcrPush role.
Login to your Azure account:
az login
Select your chosen subscription:
az account set -s <SUBSCRIPTION>
If you do not have a Resource Group, then create one:
az group create --name <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --location <RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION> --output table
<RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION> refers to a data centre region. See a list of regions here.
Create the ACR if not you don’t have one already
az acr create --name <ACR_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --sku Basic --output table
Login in the ACR:
az acr login --name <ACR_NAME>
Note down the AppID of the ACR:
az acr show --name <ACR_NAME> --query "id" -o tsv
We need this in order to assign the AcrPush role which will allow Polyaxon to push images to the registry. You can save this to a bash variable like so:
ACR_ID=$(az acr show --name <ACR_NAME> --query "id" -o tsv)
Create a Service Principal with the AcrPush role assignment:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <SP_NAME> --role AcrPush --scope <ACR_ID>
<SP_NAME> is a recognisable name for your Service Principal
<ACR_ID> is the AppID we retrieved in step 6 above. You can replace this with ${ACR_ID} if you saved it to a bash variable.
Note down the AppID and password that are output by this step. These are the login credentials Polyaxon will use to access the registry.
Create a secret to allow access to ACR
In order to create a valid secret using the login credentials from the previous step, you need to create base64 auth based on the AppID and password.
Using Python you can do:
import base64
Create an auths config file
"auths": {
"https://<ACR_NAME>": {
"auth": "<BASE64_VALUE>"
Create a secret with config.json as a name
kubectl create secret generic docker-conf --from-file=config.json=./config.json -n polyaxon
Add the secret to the connections catalog
If you are using Kaniko
- name: docker-connection
kind: registry
url: destination
name: docker-conf
mountPath: /kaniko/.docker
If you are using dockerizer using the default root user:
- name: docker-connection-dockerizer
kind: registry
url: destination
name: docker-conf
mountPath: /root/.docker