You can use one or multiple buckets on Google Cloud Storage (GCS) to store logs, job outputs, and experiment artifacts.

Create a Google cloud storage bucket

You should create a google cloud storage bucket (e.g. plx-artifacts), and you have to assign permission to the bucket.

Google cloud storage provides an easy way to download the access key as a JSON file. You should create a secret based on that JSON file.

Create a secret on Kubernetes

You can create a secret with an env var of the content of the gcs-key.json:


Or you can create a secret to be mounted as a volume:

  • kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=gc-secret.json=path/to/gcs-key.json -n polyaxon

Use the secret name and secret key in your data persistence definition

You can use the default mount path /plx-context/.gc, Polyaxon will set the GC_KEY_PATH to /plx-context/.gc/gc-secret.json so the secret must contain —from-file=gc-secret.json=

  name: gcs-artifacts
  kind: gcs
    bucket: "gs://gcs-artifacts"
    name: "gcs-secret"
    mountPath: /plx-context/.gc

You can also use a different mount path, e.g. /etc/gcs/gc-secret.json, in which case you need to provide an env var to tell the SDK where to look for the secret:

kubectl create configmap gc-key-path --from-literal GC_KEY_PATH="/etc/gcs/gc-secret.json" -n polyaxon
  name: gcs-artifacts
  kind: gcs
    bucket: "gs://gcs-datasets"
    name: "gc-secret"
    mountPath: /etc/gcs
    name: gc-key-path

Update/Install Polyaxon deployment

You can deploy/upgrade your Polyaxon CE or Polyaxon Agent deployment with access to the artifacts store.