You can use one or multiple buckets on Minio to store logs, job outputs, and experiment artifacts.

Deploy Minio

Before using Minio, you need to deploy it and create a bucket to host your outputs.

There are different ways to deploy Minio on Kubernetes, if you want to deploy Minio using the Helm Chart, you need to:

  • Add Minio’s repo:
helm install stable/minio
  • Deploy Minio’s chart:
helm install plx-minio minio/minio --namespace=polyaxon

You can also deploy with different configuration by using a config.yaml or passing the values as params, e.g. --set accessKey=myaccesskey,secretKey=mysecretkey

Create a bucket on Minio

You should create a bucket (e.g. plx-artifacts) where you will host your data.

Use the bucket in Polyaxon

In order to use the buckets with Polyaxon, you can follow the S3 Artifacts integration.

Note: When Minio is installed via Helm with default values, it uses the following hard-wired default credentials, which you will use to login to the UI and setup access to Polyaxon:

AccessKey: myaccesskey
SecretKey: mysecretkey

This means that the default secret keys should be:

  • AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: ”http://plx-minio:9000
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: “myaccesskey”,
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: “mysecretkey”