This is a simple component to perform operations on Microsoft Azure resources using az or azure CLI python.

Component info on Polyaxon Hub

To learn about this component definition or customize its behavior, please check azure-cli on polyaxon-hub.

Run this component using the CLI

To run the latest version of this component using Polyaxon CLI:

polyaxon run --hub azure-cli -P ...

To use a specific version:

polyaxon run --hub azure-cli:[tag] -P ...

Note: -P is for passing parameters, e.g. -P param1=value1 -P parame2=value2

View a running operation on the dashboard

After running an operation with this component, you can view it on the dashboard:

polyaxon ops dashboard


polyaxon ops dashboard -p [project-name] -uid [run-uuid] -y

Stop a running operation

To stop a running operation with this component:

polyaxon ops stop


polyaxon ops stop -p [project-name] -uid [run-uuid]

Run this component using the client

To run this component using Polyaxon Client:

from polyaxon.client import RunClient

client = RunClient(...)
client.create_from_hub(component="azure-cli", ...)

Usage in operations

You can also create operations instead of passing params:

version: 1.1
kind: operation
  param1: {value: value1}
hubRef: azure-cli:[tag]


This component has the following versions: ['latest', 'custom', 'python-sdk']