You can use one or multiple blobs on Azure Storage to access data directly on your machine learning experiments and jobs.
Create an Azure Storage account
You should create a storage account (e.g. plx-storage) and a blob (e.g. data).
You need to expose information about how to connect to the blob storage, the standard way is to expose these keys:
Create a secret or a config map for storing these keys
We recommend using a secret to store your access information json object:
kubectl create secret -n polyaxon generic az-secret --from-literal=AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=account --from-literal=AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY=hash-key
Use the secret to add a connection
- name: azure-dataset1
kind: wasb
bucket: "wasbs://[email protected]/"
name: "az-secret"
If you want ot access multiple datasets using the same secret:
- name: azure-dataset1
kind: wasb
bucket: "wasbs://[email protected]/"
name: "az-secret"
- name: azure-dataset2
kind: wasb
bucket: "wasbs://[email protected]/"
name: "az-secret"
Update/Install Polyaxon CE or Polyaxon Agent deployment
You can deploy/upgrade your Polyaxon CE or Polyaxon Agent deployment with access to data on Azure.
Access to the dataset in your experiments/jobs
To expose the connection secret to one of the containers in your jobs or services:
kind: job
connections: [azure-dataset1]
kind: job
connections: [azure-dataset1, s3-dataset1]
Use the initializer to load the dataset
To use the artifacts initializer to load the dataset
kind: job
- artifacts: {dirs: [...], files: [...]}
connection: "azure-dataset1"
Access the dataset programmatically
This is optional, you can use any language or logic to interact with Azure Blob Storage buckets.
For instance you can install Azure Blob Storage Python SDK
and it will be configured automatically when you request the Azure Blob Storage connection.
You can also use Polyaxon’s fs library to get a fully resolved adlfs instance:
pip install polyaxon[azure]
Creating a sync instance of the adlfs client:
from polyaxon.fs import get_fs_from_name
fs = get_fs_from_name("azure-dataset1") # You can pass additional kwargs to the function
Creating an async instance of the adlfs client:
from polyaxon.fs import get_fs_from_name
fs = get_fs_from_name("azure-dataset1",
asynchronous=True) # You can pass additional kwargs to the function