You can log and consume charts generated by Bokeh directly to Polyaxon.
You can log any chart generated by Bokeh using Polyaxon’s tracking module.
Any chart that is logged during the lifetime of your jobs or experiments can be rendered automatically in Polyaxon UI.
In notebooks
You can also consume any events or charts tracked in your experiments using the Python Library to programmatically visualize results in notebooks.
Downloading events
All charts and events are stored on your artifacts store, and follow any networking or security policy you set for your cluster. You can download any chart tracked to either render it manually or to archive it to a different location using the Python Library
Python Script
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from polyaxon import tracking
factors = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
x = [50, 40, 65, 10, 25, 37, 80, 60]
dot = figure(title="Categorical Dot Plot", tools="", toolbar_location=None,
y_range=factors, x_range=[0, 100])
dot.segment(0, factors, x, factors, line_width=2, line_color="green", ), factors, size=15, fill_color="orange", line_color="green", line_width=3, )
factors = ["foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10"]
x = ["foo 123", "foo 123", "foo 123", "bar:0.2", "bar:0.2", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "baz-10",
y = ["foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "foo 123", "bar:0.2",
colors = [
"#0B486B", "#79BD9A", "#CFF09E",
"#79BD9A", "#0B486B", "#79BD9A",
"#CFF09E", "#79BD9A", "#0B486B"
hm = figure(title="Categorical Heatmap", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None,
x_range=factors, y_range=factors)
hm.rect(x, y, color=colors, width=1, height=1)
tracking.log_bokeh_chart(name='confusion-bokeh', figure=hm)
Example as an executable component
version: 1.1
kind: component
name: bokeh-chart
kind: job
- file:
content: |
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from polyaxon import tracking
factors = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
x = [50, 40, 65, 10, 25, 37, 80, 60]
dot = figure(title="Categorical Dot Plot", tools="", toolbar_location=None,
y_range=factors, x_range=[0, 100])
dot.segment(0, factors, x, factors, line_width=2, line_color="green", ), factors, size=15, fill_color="orange", line_color="green", line_width=3, )
factors = ["foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10"]
x = ["foo 123", "foo 123", "foo 123", "bar:0.2", "bar:0.2", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "baz-10",
y = ["foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "foo 123", "bar:0.2", "baz-10", "foo 123", "bar:0.2",
colors = [
"#0B486B", "#79BD9A", "#CFF09E",
"#79BD9A", "#0B486B", "#79BD9A",
"#CFF09E", "#79BD9A", "#0B486B"
hm = figure(title="Categorical Heatmap", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None,
x_range=factors, y_range=factors)
hm.rect(x, y, color=colors, width=1, height=1)
tracking.log_bokeh_chart(name='confusion-bokeh', figure=hm)
image: 'polyaxon/polyaxon-examples:ml'
workingDir: '{{ globals.artifacts_path }}'
command: [python3, -u,]
In the dashboards
tab, create a new custom chart widget