Polyaxon relies on a set of concepts to schedule and manage the lifecycle of operations. In this section, we provide a high-level introduction to these concepts, with more details in pages dedicated to each concept.

Manual process

Often times users will drive the machine learning experimentation and iteration process manually. Polyaxon provides several APIs, clients, UI, and CLI commands to submit and monitor operations.


Although you can run your operations at any time, for any reason, it is often useful to automate and run your components at certain times using a schedule.

Schedules provide a time-based mechanism to drive scheduling on Polyaxon, and can be used to automate:

  • Periodic execution (Distributed Cron)
  • Interval execution
  • Repeatable execution
  • Exact time execution
Please refer to automation/schedules for more details.


Many machine learning workflows make more sense to be triggered by listening to multiple event sources and execute actions if some state is reached:

  • Based on a new commit.
  • Based on data availability.
  • Based on metrics.

Polyaxon is a good fit for many of these use cases and it has direct support for asynchronous events (aka signals).

There are two ways to achieve event-driven scheduling:

  • You can make Polyaxon listen to events and schedule submissions based on certain conditions. (This is WIP)
  • Executing a periodic action checking for a state change (Polling).
  • You can build a logic to submit jobs based on the state of upstream systems: e.g. Github Action.

Triggers, Conditions, and Early Stopping

Polyaxon ships with a built-in automation engine (Flow engine & Optimization engine) to build your machine learning workflows.

Each DAG or Hyperparameter tuning operation can leverage a set of automation features:

  • Concurrency management
  • Caching
  • Early stopping
  • Conditions
Please refer to core/specification/operation for more details.


When submitting jobs manually or based on external events or internal triggers, you will be faced with questions related to queuing and scheduling.

Polyaxon provides several interfaces designed to achieve fairness when a limited resource is shared, for example, to prevent a hyperparameter tuning with large search space or parallel executions from consuming more cluster resources than other workflows and operations.

Please refer to Scheduling strategies for more details.


Presets allows users to extract generic aspects of their polyaxonfiles and apply them using the override argument -f to automatically extend the configuration of their operations.

Presets allows admins to preset several meta information about runs, e.g. node scheduling and routing, which facilitate attaching quotas to a user/team/project, so that the entities they create, i.e. builds/jobs/experiments/notebooks, cannot exceed the parallelism and may not consume more resources than the quota specification allows.

Please refer to scheduling-presets and management/presets for more details.