
Scheduling presets is a feature for injecting certain information into operations at compilation time to extract repetitive configuration for node scheduling, resources requirements and definition, connections, but also for queue routing and access level control.

Why using a preset

It’s possible to set for each operation an environment section, a queue, a container resources requirements, a termination. But oftentimes, you might want to reuse some or all of these options and apply them to a certain type of operations.

One way to achieve such workflow is to push as many configuration sections as possible to the components, but this is not always possible and it’s not recommended, either because a component should be generic or because the component should be used across different clusters, with different references for queues, nodes, …

Polyaxon provides a concept called Presets, that you can use to package several information about how to predefine your operations.

Defining presets

Presets use all sections that the operation specification offers, except for sections that define the component runtime, i.e.:

  • hubRef
  • dagRef
  • urlRef
  • pathRef
  • component

Each preset that you define can also have a patchStrategy that defines how the preset specification will be merged with main operation that you desire to run. Polyaxon exposes four patch strategies:

  • replace: replaces all keys with new values if provided.
  • isnull: only applies new values if the keys have empty/None values.
  • post_merge: applies deep merge where newer values are applied last.
  • pre_merge: applies deep merge where newer values are applied first.

Saving presets

There are two ways to define and save presets:

  • In your git projects using Polyaxonfiles.
  • In your Polyaxon organization using the UI (Polyaxon EE and Cloud).

Presets using Polyaxonfiles

You can define a preset similar to any other Polyaxonfile that contain an operation. Presets can help define scheduling and environment configurations that you can share with the rest of your team to reduce the amount of boilerplate in your main Polyaxonfiles. Let’s look at some example of presets.

  • Preset for node scheduling

In order to leverage several node groups that can be used for scheduling your operations you can create several presets, e.g. experiments.yaml, gpu_experiments.yaml, data_loaders.yaml, build_jobs.yaml instead of setting an environment section on each component or operation. Each one of these files can define the node labels, annotations, tolerations and affinities,

For example The gpu_experiments.yaml can contain the following specification:

      node_label: gpu-experiments

you can commit these files with your git projects, and other users in your cluster don’t have to learn how to request GPUs in their jobs or go through the same steps to define the environment section, they can just use the override argument:

polyaxon run -f main.yaml -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml


polyaxon run --hub COMPONENT_NAME -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml


polyaxon run --url ... -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml

Polyaxon will extend the main operation with all sections defined in gpu_experiments.yaml following the patchStrategy if defined in the preset otherwise use the default replace patch strategy.

Note that isPreset: true is optional, anything that comes after the main component/operation using the override argument -f will be considered a preset even if it does not contain the isPreset flag.

  • Preset for defining resources requirements

You can also define presets to extract information about resources requirements, for example you might define small_instance.yaml, medium_instance.yaml, and large_instance.yaml. The content of these presets can contain information about resources requests and limits, for instance the large_instance.yaml

patchStrategy: isnull
        nvidia.com/gpu: 4

You can also use one or more presets:

polyaxon run -f main.yaml -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml -f presets/large_instance.yaml


polyaxon run --hub COMPONENT_NAME -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml -f presets/large_instance.yaml


polyaxon run --url ... -f presets/gpu_experiments.yaml -f presets/large_instance.yaml

Polyaxon will follow the order of these presets and will patch the main operation/component following the patchStrategy defined in each one of these presets.

Organization level saved presets

This is part of our commercial offering.

If you have access to Polyaxon Cloud or Polyaxon EE you can also save these presets on the organization level. You can additionally set the default preset on your organization or on a project level using Polyaxon UI, such preset will be applied to all operations in the organization or the project where it’s set.

Users can just reference the presets in their operations specification or using the CLI/Client polyaxon run ... --presets=preset1,preset2

In order to create and manage scheduling presets, please check the management section for more details