Understanding the query syntax

When searching experiments, jobs, projects, or any entity on Polyaxon, you can construct queries that match specific numbers and words. You can as well change the sorting mechanism of the results.


To update the sort of an API, CLI command, or on the dashboard, you just need to provide one or multiple fields, comma separated, that you wish to use for the sorting, either ascending or descending with the - modifier.


  • Sort by creation date: sort="created_at"
  • Sort by creation date descending and start date ascending: sort="-created_at, started_at"
  • Sort by finished date and loss: finished_at, metrics.loss

Query with scalar condition

This is useful to compare to scalar values, e.g. metrics, number values like concurrency … you can search for values that are equal, not equal, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, and less than or equal to another value.

operator example
x is None metrics.loss: nil will match all entities that have a null/none metric loss
x is not None metrics.loss: ~nil will match all entities that have a non null metric loss
x = n metrics.loss: 0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss equal to 0.1
x != n metrics.loss: ~0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss not equal to 0.1
x > n metrics.loss: >0.1 or with negation metrics.loss: ~<=0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss greater than 0.1
x >= n metrics.loss: >=0.1 or with negation metrics.loss: ~<0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss greater than or equal 0.1
x < n metrics.loss: <0.1 or with negation metrics.loss: ~>=0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss less than 0.1
x <= n metrics.loss: <=0.1 or with negation metrics.loss: ~>0.1 will match all entities that have a metric loss less than or equal than 0.1

To search for a range or outside a range you can combine two operators:

operator example
n <[=] x <[=] m where n < m metrics.loss:>0.1, metrics.loss:<0.4 will match all entities that have a metric strictly between 0.1 and 0.4
x <[=] n and x >[=] m where n < m metrics.loss:<=0.1, metrics.loss:>=0.4 will match all entities that have a metric outside the range 0.1 and 0.4

You can of course use any combination of the operators with negation modifier.

Query with cpu condition

Similar to the query with scalar condition, and in addition to the int/float values, it accepts any valid Kubernetes CPU value e.g. 1, 100, 0.75, 750m, …

Query with memory condition

Similar to the query with scalar condition, and in addition to the int/float values, it accepts any valid Kubernetes memory value e.g. 128974848, 129e6, 129M, 123Mi, 4Gi, …

Query with value condition

This is useful to compare categorical values, e.g. statuses, search algorithm, ids, commit hash, … you can search for values that are equal, not equal, in a set of values, or not in a set of values.

operator example
x is None name: nil will match all entities that have a null/none name
x is not None name: ~nil will match all entities that have a non null name
x = y status: running will match all entities that have the status running
x != y status: ~running will match all entities that have the status not running
x in {a, b, c} status: started | building | running will match all entities that have the status in one of the values started, building, or running
x not in {a, b, c} status: ~started | building | running will match all entities that have the status not in one of the values started, building, or running

Query with bool condition

This is useful to compare boolean values, e.g. flags. you can search for values that are equal, not equal to a value that can be converted to a boolean, e.g. 1/true/t/True and 0/false/f/False.

operator example
x = 1 flag: true will match all entities that have the status running
x != 0 flag: ~false will match all entities that have the status not running

Query with datetime condition

This is useful to compare date and datetime values, e.g. created_at, updated_at, started_at, finished_at, … you can search for values that are equal, not equal, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, or in date range.

operator example
x = YYYY-MM-DD, x = YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x = YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: 2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were created at 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes)
x != YYYY-MM-DD, x != YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x != YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: ~2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were not created at 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes)
x > YYYY-MM-DD, x > YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x > YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: >2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were created at strictly after 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes, and you can negate with ~)
x >= YYYY-MM-DD, x >= YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x >= YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: >=2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were created at starting from 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes, and you can negate with ~)
x < YYYY-MM-DD, x < YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x < YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: <2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were created at strictly before 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes, and you can negate with ~)
x <= YYYY-MM-DD, x <= YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, x <= YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS created_at: <=2018-10-01 will match all entities that have were not created until 2018-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes, and you can negate with ~)

To search for ranges you have 2 ways to do that either by combining queries as it was seen in the comparison, or by using the .. operator

operator example
YYYY-MM-DD .. YYYY-MM-DD created_at: 2018-10-01 .. 2019-10-01 will match all entities that were created between 2018-10-01 and 2019-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes)
~YYYY-MM-DD .. YYYY-MM-DD created_at: ~2018-10-01 .. 2019-10-01 will match all entities that were created before 2018-10-01 and after 2019-10-01 (you can be more precise by providing hours and minutes)

Query with string condition

This is useful to compare string values, e.g. name and description. you can search for values that are equal, not equal, in a set of values, or not in a set of values, start with, end with, start with and end with.

operator example
x = y status: running will match all entities that have the status running
x != y status: ~running will match all entities that have the status not running
x in {a, b, c} status: started | building | running will match all entities that have the status in one of the values started, building, or running
x not in {a, b, c} status: ~started | building | running will match all entities that have the status not in one of the values started, building, or running
x ends with foo x: %foo will match all entities that have the value ending with foo
x starts with foo x: foo% will match all entities that have the value starting with foo
x starts/ends with foo x: %foo% will match all entities that have the value starting/ending with foo

Query with the negation modifier

You can negate any condition by prefixing the query with ~, e.g x:~2 is the equivalent of saying is different than 2.

Query for null/none values

You can check for null or non null values by using the special operator nil, e.g x:nil is the equivalent of saying x should be null/none, the nil operator can be used with negation as well, e.g. x:~nil.

Query by combining multiple conditions

Every time you put a comma , Polyaxon will filter further by the condition that comes after the comma.


Polyaxon supports searching all entities using this syntax, most common entities are:

Saved searches

This is part of our commercial offering.

You can save searches to access and apply filters to several projects and runs, saved searches can be accessed by other team members to avoid reconstructing similar filters. Please check management - searches.