

You can configure Polyaxon to send notifications and webhooks to users and systems when operations reaches a final state, or trigger any logic that is tightly coupled with a class of operations.

Hooks allow you to build or set up integrations and dependencies based on final events generated by Polyaxon. External systems can subscribe or provide handling for certain events. When one of those events is triggered, Polyaxon will trigger the components defined in the hooks sections to perform a post-done logic, like sending an HTTP request payload to the webhook’s configured URL.

In addition to the main use-case of hooks, i.e. notifications, you can also use hooks to trigger a post-success logic that does not have to run on the same container, does not require specific accelerators, or is not specific to a single operation. For instance, you can build a custom hook to:

  • run evaluation after a training operation succeeds.
  • perform data or model checks.

Polyaxon can trigger hooks when a run reaches a final status:

  • succeeded
  • failed
  • stopped
  • done (any final state)

You can additionally provide a set of conditions to perform additional checks before triggering the logic, for instance, in addition to the success status, you can restrict the hook to only trigger if a metric has reached a certain value: conditions: {{ loss > 0.9 }}.

You can resolve any context information from the main operation inside hooks, like params, globals, …

  • Args:
    • trigger: str
    • connection: str
    • hub_ref: str
    • conditions: str, optional
    • queue: str, optional
    • namespace: str, optional
    • presets: List[str], optional
    • disableDefaults: bool, optional
    • params: Dict[str, V1Param], optional

YAML usage

  trigger: failed
  connection: slack-connection
  hubRef: slack

Python usage

from polyaxon.schemas import V1Statuses, V1Hook
hook = V1Hook(



The connection to notify, this connection must be configured at deployment time to be used here by referencing the name.

  connection: some-connection


The trigger represents the status condition to check before sending the notification.

  trigger: succeeded

In this example, the notification will be sent if the run succeeds.


Polyaxon provides a Component Hub for hosting versioned components with an access control system to improve the productivity of your team.

To trigger a hook based on a component hosted on Polyaxon Component Hub, you can use hubRef

  hubRef: slack

Or custom hook component

  hubRef: my-component:dev


After the main operation is done, conditions take advantage of all context values resolved from the main operation, including outputs, to decide if the hook can be started.

  conditions: '{{ some-io-param == "some-value" }}'

In the example above, the hook will only run if a param is passed, or an output is logged and is equal to “some-value”.


The presets to use for the hook operation, if provided, it will override the component’s presets otherwise the presets of the component will be used if available.

  presets: [test]


The queue to use. If not provided, the default queue will be used.

  queue: agent-name/queue-name

If the agent name is not specified, Polyaxon will resolve the name of the queue based on the default agent.

  queue: queue-name


Note: Please note that this field is only available in some commercial editions.

The namespace to use, if not provided, it will default to the agent’s namespace.

  namespace: polyaxon


One major difference between hooks and normal operations, is that hooks will be initialized automatically with: uuid, kind, name, inputs, outputs, status, and condition of the main operation as context only params, to reduce the boilerplate and the need to request usual information required for most notification operations.

If you do not need these context values or if you decide to request params manually, you can set this field to false.

  disableDefaults: true


The params to pass if the handler requires extra params, they will be validated against the inputs/outputs. If a parameter is passed and the component does not define a corresponding inputs/outputs, a validation error will be raised unless the param has the contextOnly flag enabled.

    param1: {value: 1.1}
    param2: {value: test}