
globals.* is the section that defines the information that is unique to each run. Each run in Polyaxon has a project, an owner, and a user. It has as well several metadata like datetimes, e.g. time of creation, as well as information specific to the kind and runtime of the operation.


Several variables are organized in the globals.* prefix, this prevents information about a run to not conflict with the inputs and outputs you provide.

The following information can be accessed by all Polyaxon sections:

  • {{ globals.owner_name }}: The owner of the project where the run is saved.
  • {{ globals.project_name }}: The project where the run is saved.
  • {{ globals.project_unique_name }}: Unique name of the project owner.project_name.
  • {{ globals.project_uuid }}: Project uuid.
  • {{ globals.run_info }}: owner.project_name.uuid unique name of the run.
  • {{ globals.name }}: The run name if available.
  • {{ globals.uuid }}: The run uuid.
  • {{ globals.namespace }}: The k8s namespace where the operation will be scheduled.
  • {{ globals.context_path }}: The context that Polyaxon will share with the main container: /plx_context. This context contains all artifacts and other configs.
  • {{ globals.artifacts_path }}: The artifacts root path that Polyaxon will share with the main container: /plx_context/artifacts, by default all connections will be populated under this path, unless the user sets a custom path.
  • {{ globals.run_artifacts_path }}: This the specific path where the run will store its artifacts, including those created and managed by Polyaxon /plx_context/artifacts/run_uuid.
  • {{ globals.run_outputs_path }}: Since the run artifacts will host artifacts and assets that are automatically created by Polyaxon, /plx_context/artifacts/run_uuid/outputs is a subpath that the user can use to store anything manually, like a tensorboard logs.
  • {{ globals.created_at }}: Datetime when the operation was created.
  • {{ globals.compiled_at }}: Datetime when the operation was compiled.
  • {{ globals.cloning_kind }}: Is populated if the operation is restarted or copied from another operation.
  • {{ globals.original_uuid }}: The original operation’s uuid when the current operation was cloned from.
  • {{ globals.is_independent }}: A flag that tells id the operation is independent or part of a pipeline.
  • {{ globals.iteration }}: The iteration number if the operation is part of an iterative process.

Artifacts store

If the artifacts store is requested via the plugins.mount_artifacts_store section, Polyaxon will expose the context variable {{ globals.store_path }} which is the value of the volume path or the bucket url if the artifacts store is a blob storage.


If the Polyaxonfile contains a service runtime, the globals prefix will include additionally these information:

  • {{ globals.base_url }}
  • {{ globals.ports }}


When an operation is automatically created by a schedule, the globals prefix will include additionally these information:

  • {{ globals.schedule_at }}: Datetime when the operation was supposed to be scheduled.

Contexts and references

Additional values

The context globals includes additional fields when used with a reference:

  • {{ globals.status }}: The last status of the reference operation.
  • {{ globals.condition }}: The last condition of the reference operation.
  • {{ globals.finished_at }}: The datetime when the operation finished.
  • {{ globals.duration }}: The duration of the operation.


It’s very important to note that when a param uses globals.*, it will depend on whether that param is literal or a reference, for example:

    value: globals.uuid
    ref: runs.UUID
    value: globals.uuid
    ref: dag
    value: globals.uuid
    ref: ops.upstream1
    value: globals.uuid

At first, you might think that all these params will have the same value, but that is not the case.

  • The value of param1 will be the uuid of the run currently being compiled, meaning that each time you execute this Polyaxonfile, param1 will take the uuid of that run.
  • The value of param2 will be the uuid of the upstream run defined in the reference, ony if that run with UUID exists and is accessible to the current operation (mostly running in the same project).
    • this param is of course not necessary, since the UUID is already known to use it as a reference, but it could be any other value, for example globals.started_at which is a value that the user might not know at the time of creating the manifest.
  • If an operation is running in the context of a DAG, the value of param3 will be the uuid of the pipeline managing the execution graph.
  • If an operation is running in the context of a DAG, the value of param4 will be the uuid of the upstream operation that the current operation depends on.

Note: For more details about references, please check context references section for more details.

Distributed jobs

If your Polyaxonfile defines a distributed job, each replica will receive a context with information from the globals level augmented with information about the connections and init sections specific to each replica.