
Polyaxon’s Python library is a high level Python module, you can use it to:

  • create Polyaxonfile specification.
  • to interact with Polyaxon API in a programmatic way.
  • to instrument your machine learning model and track experiments.
  • create custom visualizations.
  • to extend Polyaxon’s behavior.


pip install -U polyaxon


Polyaxon CLI is a tool and a client to interact with Polyaxon, it allows you to manage your cluster, projects, and experiments.


This module includes a client that can be used to interact with Polyaxon API in a programmatic way.

  • Client Reference: Auto-configurable and high-level base client that abstract the need to set a configuration for each service.
  • Project Client: A client to communicate with Polyaxon projects endpoints.
  • Run Client: A client to communicate with Polyaxon runs endpoints.

Tracking Client

The tracking client is an extension and a subclass of the Run Client with more methods for machine learning experiment tracking.

Run Plot client

The RunPlot and MultiRunPlot classes are also extensions and a subclasses of the Run Client with more functionalities to drive visualization programmatically using Plotly Express and HiPlot.