This is part of our commercial offering.

Users with the owner or manager role can create service accounts to issue organization’s level tokens for CI(Continuous Integration)/CD(Continuous Delivery)/CT(Continuous Training):

  • Service accounts are not tied to a specific user and do not use any user’s API tokens.
  • Each service account can have one or multiple tokens with different expiration configuration.
  • Each token can be refreshed, regenerated or deleted.
  • All tokens will inherit the same scopes and access rules of the service account they are linked to.
  • All activities generated by the tokens will link back to the service account they belong to in the activity logs or the runs table.

Create service account

If you have access you can create new service accounts


By default a service account is created with the admin role, but the behavior can be altered by selecting the scopes the service account should be initialized with.


Service account’s tokens

Once you create a service account a default token will be created


Users can issue additional tokens related to that specific service account


All tokens will have the same scopes as the service account


Manage service accounts

You can list, review, and manage all service accounts


Service account settings

You can update or delete a service account


N.B.: After creating a service account, if the scopes are updated, all tokens related to that services will be patched with the new scopes.