
Usage: polyaxon config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Set and get the global configurations.

  -l, --list  Deprecated, please use `polyaxon config show`.
  --help      Show this message and exit.

  get    Get the specific keys from the global configuration.
  purge  Purge the global config values.
  set    Set the global config values.
  show   Show the current cli, client, and user configs.

config show

Usage: polyaxon config show [OPTIONS]

  Show the current cli, client, and user configs.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

config get

Usage: polyaxon config get [OPTIONS] [KEYS]...

  Get the specific keys from the global configuration.


  $ polyaxon config get home host verify-ssl

  --help  Show this message and exit.

config set

Usage: polyaxon config set [OPTIONS]

  Set the global config values.


  $ polyaxon config set --home=/tmp/.polyaxon

  $ polyaxon config set --home=

  $ polyaxon config set --host=localhost

  --debug BOOLEAN                 To set the verbosity of the client.
  --host TEXT                     To set the server endpoint.
  --no-api BOOLEAN                To disable any API call.
  --verify-ssl BOOLEAN            To set whether or not to verify the SSL
  --home PATH                     To set POLYAXON_HOME to specify the context
                                  where the CLI/Client reads/writes global
  --owner PATH                    To set current organization or team space.
  --disable-errors-reporting BOOLEAN
                                  To set the disable errors reporting.
  --no-purge                      To reconfigure the host without purging auth
                                  and other config options.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

config purge

Usage: polyaxon config purge [OPTIONS]

  Purge the global config values.

  --cache-only  To purge the cache only.
  --help        Show this message and exit.