
Usage: polyaxon models [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands for managing model versions.

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  copy       Copy a model version.
  dashboard  Open this model version's dashboard details in browser.
  delete     Delete a model version.
  get        Get info for a model version by name.
  ls         List model versions by owner or owner/model.
  pull       Package and download a model version or multiple model...
  push       Push local packaged model version or multiple model versions...
  register   Push a new model version.
  stage      Update stage for a model version.
  stages     List stages information for a model version by name, name &...
  transfer   Transfer the version to a destination project under the same...
  update     Update model version.

models ls

Usage: polyaxon models ls [OPTIONS]

  List model versions by owner or owner/model.


  $ polyaxon models ls -p=project-name

  $ polyaxon models ls -p=acme/project-name

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -q, --query TEXT    To filter the model versions based on this query spec.
  -s, --sort TEXT     To order the model versions based on the sort spec.
  --limit INTEGER     To limit the list of model versions.
  --offset INTEGER    To offset the list of model versions.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

models register

Usage: polyaxon models register [OPTIONS]

  Push a new model version. If the name corresponds to an existing model
  version, it will raise an error or it will update the version if `--force`
  is provided.


  $ polyaxon models register --version=version-name --run-uid=uuid

  $ polyaxon models register --content='{"foo": "bar"}' --project=ml-project --description="..."

  $ polyaxon models register -p ml-project -ver latest --run-uid=uuid --artifacts=model-ref

  $ polyaxon models register -p owner/name -ver v1 --tags="tag1,tag2"

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  --description TEXT    Description of the version.
  --tags TEXT           Tags of the version (comma separated values).
  --content TEXT        Additional content/metadata to save with the model
  --run-uid TEXT        The run to promote as a model version.
  --artifacts TEXT      The artifacts to link to this model version.
  --connection TEXT     The connection to link to this model version.
  --force               Flag to force register if the version already exists.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

models copy

Usage: polyaxon models copy [OPTIONS]

  Copy a model version. If the name corresponds to an existing model version,
  it will raise an error or it will update the version if `--force` is


  $ polyaxon models copy --version=version-name --to-project dest-project

  $ polyaxon models copy --project=ml-project -to dest-project --force

  $ polyaxon models copy -p ml-project --content='{"foo": "bar"}' -ver latest

  $ polyaxon models copy -p owner/name -ver v1 --tags="tag1,tag2" --name new-v1

  -p, --project TEXT      The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT    The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -to, --to-project TEXT  The project to transfer the version to.
  -n, --name TEXT         Name of the model version, must be unique within the
                          same project.
  --description TEXT      Optional new description of the version.
  --tags TEXT             Optional new tags of the version (comma separated
  --content TEXT          Optional new content/metadata (Json object) to save
                          with the model version.
  --force                 Flag to force copy if the version already exists.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

models get

Usage: polyaxon models get [OPTIONS]

  Get info for a model version by name.


  $ polyaxon models get  // returns `latest` in current project

  $ polyaxon models get --project=my-project --version=test-version

  $ polyaxon models get -p owner/my-project -ver rc12

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  --help                Show this message and exit.

models stages

Usage: polyaxon models stages [OPTIONS]

  List stages information for a model version by name, name & version,
  owner/name & tag.


  $ polyaxon models stages // returns `latest` in current project

  $ polyaxon models stages --project=my-project --version=test-version

  $ polyaxon models stages -p owner/my-project -ver rc12

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  --help                Show this message and exit.

models delete

Usage: polyaxon models delete [OPTIONS]

  Delete a model version.


  $ polyaxon models delete  // delete `latest` in current project

  $ polyaxon models delete --project=my-project --version=test-version

  $ polyaxon models get -p owner/my-project -ver rc12

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -y, --yes             Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to
                        all prompts and run non-interactively.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

models update

Usage: polyaxon models update [OPTIONS]

  Update model version.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon models update --version=foobar --description="..."

  $ polyaxon models update -p mike1/foobar -ver current-name --name=new-name

  $ polyaxon models update --tags="foo, bar"

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -n, --name TEXT       Name of the model version, must be unique within the
                        same project.
  --description TEXT    Description of the model version.
  --tags TEXT           Tags of the model version (comma separated values).
  --help                Show this message and exit.

models stage

Usage: polyaxon models stage [OPTIONS]

  Update stage for a model version.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon models stage -ver rc12 -to production

  $ polyaxon models stage -p acme/foobar -ver rc12 --to=staging --reason GithubAction --message="Use carefully!"

  -p, --project TEXT              The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or
  -ver, --version TEXT            The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or
                                  'rc1' or 'latest'.
  -to, --to [testing|staging|production|disabled]
                                  Stage to transition to.
  --reason TEXT                   Reason or service to set with this stage
                                  change. Default: UserStageUpdate, e.g.
  --message TEXT                  Additional information to set with this
                                  stage change.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

models transfer

Usage: polyaxon models transfer [OPTIONS]

  Transfer the version to a destination project under the same

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon models transfer -ver rc12 -to dest-project

  $ polyaxon models transfer -p acme/foobar -ver rc12 --to-project=dest-project

  -p, --project TEXT      The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT    The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -to, --to-project TEXT  The project to transfer the version to.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

models pull

Usage: polyaxon models pull [OPTIONS]

  Package and download a model version or multiple model versions to a local
  path with or without artifacts.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon models pull -ver rc12

  $ polyaxon models pull -p acme/foobar -q "stage: production, name: %-v1%"

  $ polyaxon models pull -p acme/foobar -a --path /tmp/versions

  -p, --project TEXT      The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT    The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -a, --all-versions      To pull all versions.
  -q, --query TEXT        To filter the versions based on a query spec.
  -l, --limit INTEGER     To limit the list of runs.
  -off, --offset INTEGER  To offset the list of runs.
  --path, --path-to PATH  Optional path where the model versions are
                          persisted, default value is taken from the env var:
  --no-artifacts          To disable downloading the run's artifacts and only
                          persist the metadata.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

models push

Usage: polyaxon models push [OPTIONS]

  Push local packaged model version or multiple model versions to a remove

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon models push -ver rc12

  $ polyaxon models push -p acme/foobar --path /tmp/versions

  $ polyaxon models pull -p acme/foobar -a --path /tmp/versions

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT      The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -a, --all-versions        To push all versions.
  -c, --clean               To clean the version(s) local data after syncing.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional path where the model versions are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --reset-project           Optional, to ignore the owner/project of the local
                            version and use the owner/project provided or
                            resolved from the current project.
  --force                   Flag to force register if the version already
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

models dashboard

Usage: polyaxon models dashboard [OPTIONS]

  Open this model version's dashboard details in browser.

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -ver, --version TEXT  The component version, e.g. 'v1.3.4' or 'rc1' or
  -y, --yes             Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to
                        all prompts and run non-interactively.
  --url                 Print the url of the dashboard for this model version.
  --help                Show this message and exit.