
Usage: polyaxon ops [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands for ops/runs.

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  approve     Approve a run waiting for human validation.
  artifacts   Download outputs/artifacts for run.
  dashboard   Open this operation's dashboard details in browser.
  delete      Delete a run.
  execute     Execute a run on the current local machine using one of the...
  get         Get run.
  inspect     Inspect a run.
  invalidate  Invalidate the run's cache state.
  logs        Get run's logs.
  ls          List runs for this project.
  pull        Pull a remote run or multiple remote runs to a local path.
  push        Push a local run (or all runs) to a remove server.
  restart     Restart run.
  resume      Resume run.
  service     Open the operation service in browser.
  shell       Start a shell session for run.
  skip        Skip run.
  statuses    Get run's statuses.
  stop        Stop run.
  transfer    Transfer the run to a destination project under the same...
  update      Update run.
  upload      Upload runs' artifacts.

ops ls

Usage: polyaxon ops ls [OPTIONS]

  List runs for this project.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  Get all runs:

  Get all runs with status {created or running}, and creation date between
  2018-01-01 and 2018-01-02, and params activation equal to sigmoid and metric
  loss less or equal to 0.2

  $ polyaxon ops ls     -q "status:created|running, started_at:2018-01-01..2018-01-02,     params.activation:sigmoid, metrics.loss:<=0.2"

  Get all runs sorted by update date:

  $ polyaxon ops ls -s "-updated_at"

  Get all runs of kind job:

  $ polyaxon ops ls -q "kind: job"

  Get all runs of kind service:

  $ polyaxon ops ls -q "kind: service"

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -io, --io                 List runs with their inputs/outputs (params,
                            metrics, results, ...).
  --to-csv                  Saves the results to a csv file. Note that this
                            flag requires pandas
  -q, --query TEXT          To filter the runs based on a query spec.
  -s, --sort TEXT           To order the runs based on this sort spec.
  -l, --limit INTEGER       To limit the list of runs.
  -off, --offset INTEGER    To offset the list of runs.
  -c, --columns TEXT        The columns to show.
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  -o, --output TEXT         Optional flag to print the results as a json
                            object or store the results as json fileExample
                            `-o json` or `-o path=./data.json`
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops get

Usage: polyaxon ops get [OPTIONS]

  Get run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  Examples for getting a run:

  $ polyaxon ops get  # if run is cached

  $ polyaxon ops get --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 # project is cached

  $ polyaxon ops get --project=cats-vs-dogs -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops get -p alain/cats-vs-dogs --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  -o, --output TEXT         Optional flag to print the response as a json
                            object or store the response as json fileExample
                            `-o json` or `-o path=./data.json`
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops delete

Usage: polyaxon ops delete [OPTIONS]

  Delete a run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops delete

  $ polyaxon ops delete --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80  # project is cached

  $ polyaxon ops delete --project=cats-vs-dogs -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  -y, --yes                 Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer
                            to all prompts and run non-interactively.
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops update

Usage: polyaxon ops update [OPTIONS]

  Update run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops update --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80
  --description="new description for my runs"

  $ polyaxon ops update --project=cats-vs-dogs -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --tags="foo, bar" --name="unique-name"

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  -n, --name TEXT           Name of the run (optional).
  --description TEXT        Description of the run (optional).
  --tags TEXT               Tags of the run (comma separated values).
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops approve

Usage: polyaxon ops approve [OPTIONS]

  Approve a run waiting for human validation.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops approve

  $ polyaxon ops approve --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops stop

Usage: polyaxon ops stop [OPTIONS]

  Stop run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops stop

  $ polyaxon ops stop --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  -y, --yes           Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all
                      prompts and run non-interactively.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops skip

Usage: polyaxon ops skip [OPTIONS]

  Skip run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops skip

  $ polyaxon ops skip --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  -y, --yes           Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all
                      prompts and run non-interactively.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops restart

Usage: polyaxon ops restart [OPTIONS]

  Restart run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops restart

  $ polyaxon ops restart --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --name TEXT         Name to give to this run, must be unique within the
                      project, could be none.
  --tags TEXT         Tags of this run (comma separated values).
  --description TEXT  The description to give to this run.
  -c, --copy          Copy mode clones the run before restarting instead to
                      not mutate the current state of the run.
  --copy-dir TEXT     To copy specific dirs from the run's artifacts before
                      restarting, you can pass multiple dirs to copy `--copy-
                      dir dir1 --copy-dir path/to/dir2`.
  --copy-file TEXT    To copy specific dirs from the run's artifacts before
                      restarting, you can pass multiple dirs to copy `--copy-
                      file file1 --copy-file path/to/file2`.
  -f, --file PATH     Optional polyaxonfile to use. The config passed will be
                      treated as an override.Use `--recompile` to use a full
                      specification instead of an override/preset config.
  --recompile         A flag to tell Polyaxon that polyaxonfile is a full
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops resume

Usage: polyaxon ops resume [OPTIONS]

  Resume run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops resume

  $ polyaxon ops resume --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --name TEXT         Name to give to this run, must be unique within the
                      project, could be none.
  --tags TEXT         Tags of this run (comma separated values).
  --description TEXT  The description to give to this run.
  -f, --file PATH     Optional polyaxonfile to use. The config passed will be
                      treated as an override.Use `--recompile` to use a full
                      specification instead of an override/preset config.
  --recompile         A flag to tell Polyaxon that polyaxonfile is a full
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops invalidate

Usage: polyaxon ops invalidate [OPTIONS]

  Invalidate the run's cache state.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops invalidate

  $ polyaxon ops invalidate --uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops execute

Usage: polyaxon ops execute [OPTIONS]

  Execute a run on the current local machine using one of the specified

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  Examples getting executing a run:

  $ polyaxon ops execute

  $ polyaxon ops execute -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT     The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT       The run uuid.
  -exc, --executor TEXT  The executor to use, possible values are: docker,
                         k8s, process.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

ops statuses

Usage: polyaxon ops statuses [OPTIONS]

  Get run's statuses.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  Examples getting run statuses:

  $ polyaxon ops statuses

  $ polyaxon ops statuses -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  -w, --watch               Watch statuses.
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops logs

Usage: polyaxon ops logs [OPTIONS]

  Get run's logs.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  Examples for getting run logs:

  $ polyaxon run logs

  $ polyaxon ops logs -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -p mnist

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  -f, --follow              Stream logs after showing past logs.
  -h, --hide-time           Whether or not to hide timestamps from the log
  --all-containers          Whether to stream logs from all containers.
  -a, --all-info            Whether to show all information including
                            container names, pod names, and node names.
  --offline                 To use the offline store, for resolving runs, if
                            it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

ops inspect

Usage: polyaxon ops inspect [OPTIONS]

  Inspect a run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops inspect -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops inspect -p acme/project -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops shell

Usage: polyaxon ops shell [OPTIONS]

  Start a shell session for run.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops shell -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops shell -p acme/project -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --command=python

  $ polyaxon ops shell -p acme/project -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -cmd="/bin/bash"

  -p, --project TEXT    The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT      The run uuid.
  -cmd, --command TEXT  Path to download, if not provided the full run's
                        artifacts will downloaded.
  --pod TEXT            Optional. In a multi-replica or distributed job, the
                        pod to use for selecting the container.
  --container TEXT      Optional. The container to use for starting the shell
                        session, by default the main container is used..
  --help                Show this message and exit.

ops artifacts

Usage: polyaxon ops artifacts [OPTIONS]

  Download outputs/artifacts for run.

  If no files, dirs, or refs are provided, the full run's artifacts will be

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --dir "uploads/path/dir"

  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -f "outputs/path/file1" --file="outputs/path/file2" -d "outputs/path/dir1"

  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --path="this/path"

  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -l-name image-example -l-name debug-csv-file --path="this/path"

  $ polyaxon ops artifacts -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -l-kind model -l-kind env --path="this/path"

  -p, --project TEXT            The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or
  -uid, --uid TEXT              The run uuid.
  -f, --file TEXT               Optional list of files to download.
  -d, --dir TEXT                Optional list of dirs to download.
  -l-name, --lineage-name TEXT  Optional list of artifact lineage name
  -l-kind, --lineage-kind TEXT  Optional list of artifact lineage kind
  --path, --path-to PATH        The destination where to download the
  --no-untar                    Disable the automatic untar of the downloaded
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

ops upload

Usage: polyaxon ops upload [OPTIONS]

  Upload runs' artifacts.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops upload -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops upload -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --path-from="path/to/upload"

  $ polyaxon ops upload -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --path-to="path/to/upload/to"

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  --path-from PATH    The path to upload from relative the current location
                      (or absolute path), Note that this must be a valid path,
                      or the CLI will raise an error. Defaults to the current
  --path-to TEXT      The destination where to upload the artifacts. If the
                      path is '/' the root artifacts path of the run will be
                      used, otherwise the values should start without the
                      separator, e.g. `uploads`, `code`,
                      `dataset/images/values`, ...
  --sync-failure      To set the run to failed if the upload fails.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops transfer

Usage: polyaxon ops transfer [OPTIONS]

  Transfer the run to a destination project under the same owner/organization.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops transfer --to-project dest-project

  $ polyaxon ops transfer -p acme/foobar -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 -to=dest-project

  -p, --project TEXT      The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT        The run uuid.
  -to, --to-project TEXT  The project to transfer the operation/run to.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

ops dashboard

Usage: polyaxon ops dashboard [OPTIONS]

  Open this operation's dashboard details in browser.

  -p, --project TEXT              The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or
  -uid, --uid TEXT                The run uuid.
  -y, --yes                       Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as
                                  answer to all prompts and run non-
  --url                           Print the url of the dashboard for this run.
  --offline                       To use the offline store, for resolving
                                  runs, if it exists.
  --path, --path-from PATH        Optional offline root path to use where runs
                                  are persisted, default value is taken from
                                  the env var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  -SC, --server-config, --sconfig NAME=VALUE
                                  A configuration to override the default
                                  options for the local streaming server of
                                  the run, form `-SC key=value` or `--server-
                                  config key=value` or `--sconfig key=value`.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

ops service

Usage: polyaxon ops service [OPTIONS]

  Open the operation service in browser.

  N.B. The operation must have a run kind service, otherwise it will raise an

  You can open the service embedded in Polyaxon UI or using the real service
  URL, please use the `--external` flag.

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT    The run uuid.
  -y, --yes           Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all
                      prompts and run non-interactively.
  --external          Open the external service URL.
  --url               Print the url of the dashboard or external service.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

ops pull

Usage: polyaxon ops pull [OPTIONS]

  Pull a remote run or multiple remote runs to a local path.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops pull -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80

  $ polyaxon ops pull -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --no-artifacts

  $ polyaxon ops pull -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --path /tmp/base

  $ polyaxon ops pull -q "status: succeeded, kind: job, metrics.loss: <0.2" --l 10 --path /tmp/base

  $ polyaxon ops pull -a

  -p, --project TEXT      The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT        The run uuid.
  -a, --all-runs          To pull all runs.
  -q, --query TEXT        To filter the runs based on a query spec.
  -l, --limit INTEGER     To limit the list of runs.
  -off, --offset INTEGER  To offset the list of runs.
  --no-artifacts          To disable downloading the run's artifacts and only
                          persist the metadata. This is useful if you want to
                          move a run from one Polyaxon deployment to another
                          while keeping the same artifacts store.
  --path, --path-to PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                          persisted, default value is taken from the env var:
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

ops push

Usage: polyaxon ops push [OPTIONS]

  Push a local run (or all runs) to a remove server.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon ops push -a --clean

  $ polyaxon ops push --path /tmp/experiments --clean

  $ polyaxon ops push -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --no-artifacts

  $ polyaxon ops push -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --clean

  $ polyaxon ops push -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --reset-project

  $ polyaxon ops push -uid 8aac02e3a62a4f0aaa257c59da5eab80 --reset-project -p send-to-project

  -p, --project TEXT        The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -uid, --uid TEXT          The run uuid.
  -a, --all-runs            To push all runs.
  --no-artifacts            To disable uploading artifacts and only sync
                            metadata. This is useful if you want to move a run
                            from one Polyaxon deployment to another while
                            keeping the same artifacts store (no artifacts
  -c, --clean               To clean the run(s) local data after syncing.
  --path, --path-from PATH  Optional offline root path to use where runs are
                            persisted, default value is taken from the env
                            var: `POLYAXON_OFFLINE_ROOT`.
  --reset-project           Optional, to ignore the owner/project of the local
                            run and use the owner/project provided or resolved
                            from the current project.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.