
Usage: polyaxon init [OPTIONS]

  Initialize a new local project and cache directory.

  Note: Make sure to add the local cache `.polyaxon` to your `.gitignore` and
  `.dockerignore` files.

  -p, --project TEXT     To enable local cache in this folder, the project
                         name to initialize, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  --git-connection TEXT  Optional git connection to use for the interactive
                         mode and to automatically injecting code references
                         in your operation manifests.
  --git-url TEXT         Optional git url to use for the interactive mode and
                         for automatically injecting code references in your
                         operation manifests. If no git-connection is passed,
                         this url must point to a public repo,If a connection
                         is passed and if it has a git url reference in the
                         schema it will be patched with this url.
  --polyaxonfile         Init a polyaxon file in this project.
  --polyaxonignore       Init a polyaxonignore file in this project.
  -y, --yes              Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to
                         all prompts and run non-interactively.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.