
Usage: polyaxon project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commands for projects.

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  create     Create a new project.
  dashboard  Open this project's dashboard details in browser.
  delete     Delete project.
  get        Get info for current project, by project_name, or...
  ls         List projects.
  update     Update project.

project create

Usage: polyaxon project create [OPTIONS]

  Create a new project.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon project create --name=cats-vs-dogs --description="Image Classification with DL"

  $ polyaxon project create --name=owner/name --description="Project Description"

  -n, --name TEXT     The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  --description TEXT  Description of the project.
  --tags TEXT         Tags of the project (comma separated values).
  --public            Set the visibility of the project to public.
  --init              Initialize the project after creation.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

project ls

Usage: polyaxon project ls [OPTIONS]

  List projects.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  -o, --owner TEXT  Name of the owner/namespace, if not provided it will
                    default to the namespace of the current user.
  -q, --query TEXT  To filter the projects based on this query spec.
  -s, --sort TEXT   To order the projects based on the sort spec.
  --limit INTEGER   To limit the list of projects.
  --offset INTEGER  To offset the list of projects.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

project get

Usage: polyaxon project get [OPTIONS]

  Get info for current project, by project_name, or owner/project_name.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  To get current project:

  $ polyaxon project get

  To get a project by name

  $ polyaxon project get -p owner/project

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

project delete

Usage: polyaxon project delete [OPTIONS]

  Delete project.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -y, --yes           Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all
                      prompts and run non-interactively.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

project update

Usage: polyaxon project update [OPTIONS]

  Update project.

  Uses /docs/core/cli/#caching


  $ polyaxon project update foobar --description="Image Classification with DL using TensorFlow"

  $ polyaxon project update mike1/foobar --description="Image Classification with DL using TensorFlow"

  $ polyaxon update --tags="foo, bar"

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -n, --name TEXT     Name of the project, must be unique for the same user.
  --description TEXT  Description of the project.
  --tags TEXT         Tags of the project (comma separated values).
  --private BOOLEAN   Set the visibility of the project to private/public.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

project dashboard

Usage: polyaxon project dashboard [OPTIONS]

  Open this project's dashboard details in browser.

  -p, --project TEXT  The project name, e.g. 'mnist' or 'acme/mnist'.
  -y, --yes           Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all
                      prompts and run non-interactively.
  --url               Print the url of the dashboard for this project.
  --help              Show this message and exit.