
Polyaxon resolves a context based on the inputs provided by the users, such information can be used to parametrize and template section responsible for scheduling and queueing.

Polyaxon will substitute all variable references in the environment, presets, and queue section after resolving the full context.

Templating the presets section

Conditional list of presets based on the value of some parameter value:

presets: {{ [preset1] if input_param == value_condition else list2 }}

Parametrized list of presets:

presets: {{ input_param | list }}

Templating the queue section

Conditional queue based on the value of some parameter value:

queue: {{ AGENT_X1/QUEUE_Y1 if input_param == value_condition else AGENT_2/QUEUE_2 }}

Parametrized agent and/or queue values:

queue: {{ agent_param }}/{{ queue_param }}

Parametrized agent and queue:

queue: {{ fqn_queue_param }}

Templating the environment section

Example with nodeSelector:

    "{{ node_param }}": "node-{{ node_label }}"

Conditional node name:

 nodeName: "{{ node_name1 if input_param == value_condition else node_name2 }}"

Parametrized node name:

 nodeName: "{{ node_param }}"

Similar logic can be used for other environment.* sections.

Conditional scheduling

In order to skip an operation, you can use the conditions key:

conditions: "{{ input_param == value_condition }}"


conditions: "input_param == value_condition"

Polyaxon always assumes that conditions are parametrized and need to be resolved.

If the condition is false the operation will be skipped.

Note: Although it’s possible to use conditions in an independent operation, it generally makes more sense when it’s running in the context of a pipeline (DAG, Matrix, or Schedule), when an operation is used as a hook, or when an operation is subscribing to events.