
Note: CLI and Client only release.


  • Enhancement: Improve log_artifact and log_model to correctly log the directory path or the file path.
  • Enhancement: Add support for new pytorch-lightning versions and fix issue with log_hyperparams.


  • Fix: Issue with resolving full paths of artifacts edges.
  • Fix: Issue with members not able to update/patch dashboards and searches.


Note: CLI and Client only release.


  • Enhancement: Expose --reason flag to the stage commands to allow to signal custom reasons for the stage changes:
    • polyaxon components / models /artifacts -p PROJECT -ver v1 stage -to PRODUCTION --reason GithubAction --message "Automated process, be careful!"


  • Enhancement: Deconstruct stage condition into params in the stage_version methods to simplify programmatic stage changes.
  • Enhancement: Allow passing a serialized object or a dict and automatically handle serialization in register_version methods to simplify passing meta/content value.


  • Enhancement: Add client snippets to component hub, model registry, and artifacts versioning to perform various actions.



  • Fix: Regression related to default image pull policy and the new Kubernetes client validation process.


  • New: Extract model/artifact/component versions CLI logic to callable utility functions to be used programmatically.
  • New: Consolidate usage of --path and --path-to in all commands.


  • New: Expose per kind methods to create, register, patch, pull, transfer, and copy component / model / artifact versions.


  • Deprecation: Remove deprecated storage clients.
  • Enhancement: Preserve tags order during validation and uniqueness checks.


  • Enhancement: Improve git initializer to report warning when the git clone fails.


  • Enhancement: Improve confusion matrix tracking.


  • Enhancement: Maintain order of metrics and params in which they were entered in the chart/graph widgets.
  • Enhancement: Add bitbucket connection icon.
  • Fix: Issues with Bokeh charts logged with newer library versions.


  • Enhancement: Add a new Tracking Metadata & Assets section in tracking.
  • Enhancement: Add a new Query Metadata and Artifacts intro tutorial using client, CLI, and UI.
  • Enhancement: Add a new Packging and Pulling a Run intro tutorial.
  • Enhancement: Improve and consolidate Python client, tracking, and CLI sections.



  • New: Add polyaxon models pull command to package the full model’s metadata, definition, lineage, and assets to a local path.
  • New: Add polyaxon artifacts pull command to package the full artifact’s metadata, definition, lineage, and assets to a local path.
  • New: Add polyaxon ops pull command to package the full operation’s metadata, definition, lineage, and artifacts to a local path.
  • New: Add polyaxon ops push command to push and sync a local/offline operation’s metadata, definition, lineage, and artifacts to a remote server.
  • Enhancement: Extend artifacts command with -l-name/--lineage-name to polyaxon ops artifacts --lineage-name artifact-ref1 --lineage-name artifact-ref2 to downland assets based on a lineage reference name.
  • Enhancement: Extend artifacts command with -l-kind/--lineage-kind to polyaxon ops artifacts --lineage-kind image to downland assets based on a lineage reference kind.
  • Enhancement: Extend artifacts command with -f/--file to polyaxon ops artifacts -f path/to/file1 -f other/path/to/file2 to accept downloading multiple file paths at once.
  • Enhancement: Extend artifacts command with -d/--dir to polyaxon ops artifacts -d path/to/dir1 -d other/path/to/dir2 to accept downloading multiple file paths at once.
  • Enhancement: Improve errors message for commands not available in CE.
  • Enhancement: Improve status column when producing a CSV file with polyaxon ops ls ... --to-csv.


  • Deprecation: Remove usage of deprecated Kubernetes API.
  • Enhancement: Improve API uuid serialization for related fields to always return hex format.


  • Deprecation: Removed versioned from log_model and log_artifact, by default these methods will not trigger the versioning behavior unless a step is provided.
  • New: Add artifacts lineage get method to load lineage information for a run RunClient.get_artifacts_lineage.
  • New: Add load_artifacts_lineage and load_conditions flags to RunClient.refresh_data.
  • New: Add artifacts download based on a lineage reference RunClient.download_artifact_for_lineage.
  • New: Add project version pull method ProjectClient.pull_version to package/download a model version, artifact version, or a component version to a local path.
  • New: Improve upload errors when no files are detected or passed.


  • New: Add new XGboost callback style.
  • Enhancement: Improve Plotly converter for matplotlib version >=3.3.0.
  • Enhancement: Improve logging matplotlib as Plotly to fallback to image if plotly fails.
  • Enhancement: Improve hash calculation and tracking.
  • Enhancement: Improve path validation, calculation, and tracking.
  • Enhancement: Improve artifacts summary calculation.
  • Enhancement: Improve getting store path.


  • New: Add lineageRef initializer to allow downloading artifacts based on the lineage reference.
  • New: Add init.paths to simplify initializing artifacts based on paths without specifying files or dirs.


  • Enhancement: Move run’s lineage information directly as a section under the info tab.
  • Enhancement: Improve datetime range widget.
  • Enhancement: Improve download buttons and download filenames in the lineage tables and in the artifacts tab.
  • Enhancement: Several UI Improvements.


  • Enhancement: Add project version query specification.
  • Enhancement: Add artifact lineage query specification.


  • Enhancement: Improve compiler’s error message when a restriction is configured or a missing connection is detected.
  • Enhancement: Add logic to delete runs not assigned to any agent or failed during compilation
  • Enhancement: Add missing stage to the project version query manager.
  • Fix: Issue related to switching organization context for users belonging to multiple organizations.
  • Fix: Issue related to fetching empty suggestions.