

  • Enhancement: Several improvements.


  • Fix: Some minor issues.


  • Enhancement: Add cost estimation and new queueing guides.



  • Fix: CLI does not use correct context path for collecting nested DAG references.


  • Enhancement: Enable templating for termination section.


  • Enhancement: Improve operation’s status reconciliation logic.
  • Fix: Regression in timeout logic.


  • Fix: Discrepancy in the usage of the is_offline flag between the client init and the client decorator.


  • Enhancement: Consolidate the Python library and tracking intro and quick-start guides.



  • Enhancement: Improve Polyaxonfile checks and error messages.
  • Enhancement: Improve build process.
  • Fix: Regression when checking for DAG references from globals context values.
  • Fix: Bug collecting nested DAG references.


  • Enhancement: Improve UUID references to only show 8 characters and copy the full value on click.
  • Enhancement: Prevent artifacts from refreshing or re-rendering when the run is the running stage.
  • Enhancement: Improve project/component/model cards with long descriptions, names, and/or multiple tags.


  • Enhancement: Build and upload not setting the correct lineage information.
  • Enhancement: Build deletion does not set the run to upstream_failed.
  • Enhancement: Improve restart and resume process when an operation has a build section.



  • Enhancement: Add spawner refresh logic to mitigate several issues with AKS’s numerous networking problems.


  • Fix: Regression in the parsing logic of null values and IO type string.


  • Enhancement: Add a new protected read-only artifact API to allow viewing artifacts in separate tabs.


  • Enhancement: Add tags filter and use regex for searching projects/hub/registry/connections/…
  • Enhancement: Hide project deletion in Polyaxon CE until the logic for cleaning runs and artifacts is moved to the core repo.

Deployment & Setup

  • Enhancement: Update Kubeflow charts.
  • Enhancement: Improve liveness probes for scheduler related deployments.



  • Enhancement: Add better handling for the approval process when an upload and/or a build is triggered.
  • Enhancement: Preserve the parameter names when converting inputs/outputs to args using params.NAME.as_args or params.as_args and only change behavior using argFormat.

Deployment & Setup

  • Enhancement: Patch Kubeflow charts with imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent


  • Enhancement: Add sidebar link to the build process.
  • Enhancement: Allow to manually approve runs pending cache to be scheduled without waiting for the cached results.
  • Enhancement: Do not show the graph view for matrix runs with random search and grid search.


  • New: Add beta support for an automatic build process on the operation level.
    • This feature does not replace the ad-hoc build operations, users can still create independent polyaxonfiles with a kaniko/dockerize hubRef.
    • The no-build requirement that the platform provides does not change, users who have stable pipelines that do not require frequent changes to their images can safely ignore this feature.
    • A new section called build allows to define the necessary fields for creating a container as well as other flags for the queue, preset, resources, node selectors, … specific to the build.
    • An image based on the project and the run’s uuid, i.e. project:build-uuid, is generated automatically and set on the main containe.
    • Users can provide an alternative destination image and override the generated value.
    • When the build and matrix sections are used together, a single build operation will be scheduled and will be used for all runs.
    • When the build and upload are used together, the uploaded artifacts are initialized in the build run.
  • Fix: Regression in Bayes tuner.



  • Enhancement: Relax int type validation to tolerate float values, e.g. 12. or 1.0, generated from the Matrix section.
  • Enhancement: Improve string validation and conversion.
  • Enhancement: Add possibility to get all params as arguments without passing one by one: {{ params.as_args }}


  • New: Add plugings.mountArtifactsStore to simplify and to abstract requesting and mounting the artifacts store in the main container:
    • The context will also expose the store_path variable to abstract getting the path instead of using connections[CONNECTION_NAME].schema.
  • Enhancement: Rename multi-runs occurrences to multi-run.
  • Enhancement: Improve parser engine map_format function to allow passing a variable name.
  • Fix: Calculation of wait_time and duration for long running operations.
  • Fix: Regression in eager mode.


  • Enhancement: Disable log_importance on xgboost callback by default.


  • Enhancement: Improve the behavior of the service page to not require a refresh in order to remove the cached error page.


  • Enhancement: Restructure quick-start section into several sub-sections with common themes
    • quick start will only introduce the library and the initial setup.
    • iterative process guides: will include all tools and concepts that helps a researcher to iterate on their programs.
    • automation and scaling guides: will include current Matrix, Dag, Schedule, Hooks, and distributed runs guides, as well as some upcoming DAG tutorials.
    • serving and apps guides: Will include an end-to-end tutorial from training to serving an API, serving an app, or creating a custom dashboard/report.
    • builds guides: Will include guides on building containers independently, as part of a DAG, using the per-operation build section.
    • tracking guides: Will include guides on how to use tracking module and some advanced methods on the run client.
    • CLI guides: Will include some CLI guides.
    • k8s guides: Will include generic guides on how to interact with raw Kubernetes and Polyaxonfile specification.
  • Enhancement: Add integration guide for Flask.
  • Enhancement: Add integration guide for FastAPI.
  • Enhancement: Improve roadmap and known issues.


  • New: Add two new versions :single-run-storepath and :multi-run-storepath which allow to start Tensorboard directly from the artifact store in sync mode.
  • Enhancement: Improve Tensorboard component versions to only load tensorboard and not the complete outputs directory.


  • Fix: Calculation of cache.ttl logic.



  • Enhancement: Improve polyaxon ops restart --copy to allow customizing the paths to copy, e.g. polyaxon ops restart --copy-dir=dir1 --copy-dir=path/dir2 --copy-file=path/dir3/file1.
  • Enhancement: Improve polyaxon run command to support both -u/--upload and --eager for non-managed Matrix operations.
  • Enhancement: Allow to restart/copy operations with new name, description, tags, and meta-info.
  • Enhancement: Add check for legacy CLI package, i.e. polyaxon-cli, and raise an error to avoid conflicts.
  • Enhancement: Stop distributing tests to reduce package size.
  • Fix: Issue with admin deploy and debug mode -v failing at get_or_create_namespace check when the namespace already exists.


  • Enhancement: Improve RunClient.create method to correctly resolve references before submitting operations to the API in Polyaxon CE.
  • Enhancement: Increase default requests.memory for auxiliary containers to prevent scheduling pods on low memory nodes and to prevent impacting other core components.
  • Enhancement: Improve restart with upload, currently restarting runs with uploaded artifacts fail because of missing artifacts.
  • Enhancement: Improve restart with copy mode, users can provide the paths to copy, by default it will copy all artifacts to preserve the previous behavior.
  • Enhancement: Refactor approval process to use a more generic pending logic.
  • Enhancement: Improve matrix creation in eager mode and clean-up the matrix run placeholder.
  • Misc: Replace whitelist/WHITELIST occurrences with allowed_list/ALLOWED_LIST to make consist naming with other packages.
  • Fix: Deletion of non-managed runs in Polyaxon CE.


  • Enhancement: Improve KerasCallback with the flag use_store_path to enable using the artifactsStore path to write the checkpoints and model artifacts.
  • Enhancement: Update get_artifacts_path and get_outputs_path to accept use_store_path: bool = False param to return the path relative to the artifacts store path instead of the context.
  • Fix: Bug with RunClient.log_tags missing a check for the case when tags are initially None.
  • Fix: Bug with Run.end calling _exit_handler even when the exist handler is not initialized.


  • Enhancement: Add UI fields to the pass name, description, tags in the restart form.
  • Enhancement: Fix the icon used for Update pipeline concurrency button in the run’s dropdown.

Deployment & Setup

  • Enhancement: Add options field to externalServices.postgresql to allow passing extra options when configuring API/Scheduler with an external database instance.
    • For example to require ssl, users should add: options: {'sslmode': 'require'}


  • Fix: Docs formatting issues.

House Keeping

  • Enhancement: Upgrade base packages.
  • Enhancement: Update tests requirements.


  • New: Allow to update connections configuration from UI:
    • Owner/Managers can opt into updating the connections catalog and other configs directly from the UI.
    • This is an opt-in feature and can be reverted to YAML based configuration, in which case a redeploy is required.
    • The artifactsStore as well as several required configurations still need to be deployed using the Helm chart.
    • This feature can be enabled on per-agent basis.
  • New: Add read-ony table to the agent view to show connections defined by each agent.
  • Enhancement: Add is_promoted indicator to runs linked to a model version in the model registry to reduce confusion.
  • Enhancement: Improve UI pipeline progress indicator.
  • Enhancement: Add basic stats to projects and runs overview pages in all plans.
  • Enhancement: Add possibility to batch cleaning operations in a single job based on the artifacts store.
    • This should avoid overwhelming cluster(s) where the agent is running.
  • Enhancement: Add project runtimes customization to the settings page.
    • Admins can select runtimes to allow on a specific project.
  • Enhancement: Speedup bulk insertions and updates.
  • Enhancement: Improve audit for archive, restore, support request, and billing actions.
  • Enhancement: Improve activity logs for runs to store and show the names at the time of auditing.
  • Enhancement: Improve activity logs to always show uuids for entities with a uuid to distinguish resources deleted and recreated with the same name.
  • Enhancement: Improve run stopping by using the restorable manager instead of the live manager to handle archived runs.
  • Enhancement: Do not allow users to set projects/components/models visibility to public if the organization is private to reduce confusion.